


What is the creative philosophy you follow when creating a piece of art?
All of my creative stories are things I have already experienced, so my main philosophy is to work with things I know. It is important to walk through life with open eyes, explore the new, and of course, to have fun.

Do you find that your mood and life experiences influence your art? Of course! For example, at the beginning of my practice, most of my stories took place during public transport or in markets. That was the main experience I had at the time. But once I started to attend night clubs, night life immediately began to appear in my work. This also goes for the new things I discover. The more places I see and the more situations I am in, the more stories I have to tell.

How do you push the boundaries of your creative comfort zone and venture into new artistic territories?
Pushing boundaries is an important part of the creative process. It’s like working out to be in good shape. Since my creative practice has gone from being a hobby to work, I have to keep it interesting for me. You can always get tired of the work, so it’s always a good idea to make it interesting with new twists, challenges, and complexities. From my first art to the art I make now, all I do is adventure, which takes me to unexpected places.

What inspired the theme, color palette, or concept of your most recent work?
Inspiration is for beginners. I have to make things happen. That is my main concept. Sometimes, I have a background photo that was taken years ago, and then I will suddenly find an idea for it. The same goes for original artwork, which could stay in the archives until I find an idea that matches the image. As an artist, creative ideas are infinite. How do you decide which idea is worth pursuing? Ideas come to us at any period of time, but if they remain undone, those ideas will fly away to other people to be done. So, if after a long period of time, an idea is still with me, I know it definitely needs to be done.

If your art had a superpower, what would it be and why?
It’s hard to say which superpower is the best. From time to time, I still imagine myself with different powers, depending on the situation and mood.

If you could choose one famous person (dead or alive) to be the ambassador of your art, who would it be and why?
I don’t know. I prefer not to have favorites. I’d love any person to be an ambassador of my art. I do however, like to receive requests from teachers and students who study my practice.

If your artwork could talk, what would it say?
Be attentive to your surroundings and to yourself. It is then when you will have all the answers. Magic is all around us.