Eklectic & Co. is a luxury contemporary womenswear brand, developed through Polish and Ukrainian collaboration in Lviv in 2018. The brand, as the name directs, combines elements of various styles in a multifaceted manner to create your own. Agatha often uses pastel colors and black and white in her collections, and her latest FW 2019 collection is no exception. The collection consists primarily of black velvet and sensual silk with elements of Italian lace.

BASIC: In five words or less, how would you describe your personal identity?
Eklectic: Creative, ambitious, adventurous, intellectual and beautiful. But if I had to choose only one word it would be eclectic, of course.
BASIC: What in life is beautiful to you? Where do you find inspiration?
Eklectic: Life is a beauty in itself. Beauty is a subjective concept. It means something different for everyone. There is a physical and spiritual beauty. Our living world, whether animals, plants, atmosphere or geological phenomenons. Nature in general is beautiful to me. People are also beautiful. They have a sensitive nature, smarts, interests and passions. Love is beautiful. Beauty is also the highest form of aesthetics. It is something proportional and harmonious, but never ideal. I find inspiration everywhere and every day. I am inspired by nature, the music I listen to, the books I read, by our different cultures and their artistic legacies, by other designers, by people on the streets. I take a lot of inspiration from my beloved city Lviv, called the “Little Paris”. I am in love with this very old, vivid, colorful and alive place. I especially admire the art deco architecture here. While designing clothes, I am inspired by past styles like baroque, Victorian, antiques and styles from the 20s, 40s and 80s.
BASIC: What does being a woman mean to you?
Eklectic: Being a woman is being independent and strong, being aware of what happens in the world and being part of it. It’s about being deci-sive and valiant, being a master of your fate. It’s being a mom, but also a boss. Being a woman is like stepping in high heels towards your own success.
BASIC: What do you want to be able to say about your life when you are 90 years old?
Eklectic: I would like to say that I did not waste my time. Not sure I will make it till 90 though! I’d say I had a life that meant something. I had changed something for the better. I achieved success and built my fashion empire without harming anyone. I had real friends, real love and family.
BASIC: If you could have coffee with anyone in the world, alive or deceased, who would it be and why?Eklectic: If deceased, Coco Chanel and if alive, Donatella Versace. Both are strong women and fashion designers. Both have a life of history, they are very talented and tireless. Both are individualists. Both are very inspiring and an example to follow.