What is the creative philosophy you follow when creating a piece of art?
All of my art works are based on stories of city life—the authentic emotions, experiences, and people that are living and breathing in certain moments who have stories to tell through my artistic expressions. I don’t think about art when I create. I just follow my heart and know myself.
Do you find that your mood and life experiences influence your art?
Absolutely. They are united. Art originates from real life experiences.
How do you push the boundaries of your creative comfort zone and venture into new artistic territories?
Creativity cannot be forced. Your mindset determines your expressions. I like to go outside the studio and embrace life with open arms, making connections with my surroundings and step out to meet the unknown. Creativity will come naturally.
What inspired the theme, color palette, or concept of your most recent work?
My latest work “Five Fingers Mountain” was an installation created for a public space. It’s a symbol coming from ancient Chinese fiction. The purpose is to explore the relationship between people’s own inner world against social environment around them. The art piece reflects the audience. We all wish to escape from the pressure weighing on us, but can we actually make a run from it?

As an artist, creative ideas are infinite. How do you decide which idea is worth pursuing?
I do what is closest to my heart and what I want to talk about most at a particular time.
If your art had a superpower, what would it be and why?
That everyone can see themselves in my art. Actually, they already do.
If you could choose one famous person (dead or alive) to be the ambassador of your art, who would it be and why?
Eminem. His story really inspires me. Never give up what you love.
If your artwork could talk, what would it say?
I’m not f*cking art!