@chez_ichiro | www.ichirosuzuki.fr
Paris, France
ICHIRO: I am a Japanese born designer, based in Paris. I joined Savile Row bespoke tailors, Henry Poole & Co. in 2007, where I was trained in the art of cutting. I graduated from Royal College of Art in 2012 and with my graduate collection, I won the competition and was offered the job to work for a luxury fashion maison in Paris.

BASIC: Which movie character would you love your brand to be worn by and why?
ICHIRO: Malcom X from Malcom X and Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby. Both characters have iconic styles from different periods of time and are very charismatic. They have the audacity to wear fashion-forward pieces back in the day and I can imagine that my pieces would suit them quite well if they exist in this era.
BASIC: If your designs transformed into an animal, what would it be and why?
ICHIRO: King Fisher. This is the bird and because of its graphicness and quirky beauty in appearance, I think that epitomizes my creation.
BASIC: What are the first five songs are on your favorite playlist?
- Black Sabbath / Paranoid
- Rage Against the Machine / Take the power back
- AC/DC / Back in Black
- Metallica / Master of puppets
- Rainbow / Spotlight Kid