Words by Kimberly Haddad


BASIC: In one word, what do you live for?
MARZOOK: Family.

BASIC: What in life is beautiful to you? Where do you find inspiration?
Marzook: Beauty is everywhere. If you have a positive outlook on life, you can find it in anything or anyone around you. We find inspiration organically from art, architecture or nature. We could be sitting in a café in Paris or visiting a museum in Qatar and Fahad will turn to me and say, “I know what we should do for our next collection.” It’s happened many times this way.

BASIC: Do you think fashion allows people to express their individuality or forces people to conform?
Marzook: We believe Fashion is a balance between individuality and conformity. As a brand, we believe Marzook bags are seasonless and do not conform to any trends. However, we strongly believe in using our accessories to express your individuality. Our transparent bags especially, are designed for this specific aspiration. Each client makes the bag their own by adding their own touch to it. Some clients will put a special wallet or scarf in the bag while others prefer to keep it simple with only a lipstick or just a wad of cash!

BASIC: What is the wisest thing you have ever heard someone say?
Marzook: It’s okay to take a day off, gather yourself and come back fighting even harder.

BASIC: Tell us something that no one knows about you.
Marzook: We weren’t close as siblings until I graduated from the university.

BASIC: If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, alive or deceased, who would it be and why?
Marzook: Gianni and Donatella Versace. It would be interesting to experience their dynamic as brother and sister and discuss the fashion industry overall. The Industry has changed so much since he was alive. It would be great to hear his perspective versus her own.